Last night, I watched episode 10 of Neon Genesis Evangelion. It featured a new-ish character, Asuka Langley Soryu. She's cool, I guess. Though, they often sexualize a fourteen year old, but that's more for Shinji than it is for the viewer.
In this episode, Misato and Ritsugo discover the egg of an Angel deep within the mantle. They have to send someone down in an Eva unit to retrieve it so that they can study it, and Asuka immediately volunteers in order to impress Kaji, the man three times her age who she seems to have a crush on. However, after seeing that her standard Eva suit has to be bloated so she can easily handle the heat, she chickens out because she doesn't want Kaji to see her in it, since she's used to the skin tight suit the Eva pilots usually wear. However, once Rei volunteers, she sucks it up and decides to go, anyway.
She gets into Eva Unit 002, which has been modified to handle the high pressure and heat of the mantle, and dives into a magma pool. For a while, she can't see anything, but the visibility becomes clearly as she descends, and the pressure increases, causing her to drop her Eva knife. She eventually does capture the egg, and begins her ascension.
Oh no, the egg hatches! She has to fight without a knife, which is impossible when you're 1300 feet down in magma. Shinji uses his Eva Unit 001 to throw down his own knife to her, which she catches. But she can't hurt the Angel because the pressure is screwing with the molecules of it... or something. She directs all the cool air in her Eva unit to her knife, and the sudden change in temperature causes her unit's arm to shrink. Because earlier in the episode, her and Shinji were talking about thermal expansion.
She manages to kill the Angel, but not before it slashes her cables, disconnecting her from the reeler in thing that's on the surface. Her Eva succumbs to the pressure and begins to crumple with her inside of it, but Shinji comes to the rescue! He grabs her and pulls her up, saving the day.
Overall, this episode was nice. It was the third Asuka-centric episode, which closes out her introduction arc, as they did with Rei and Shinji. I don't usually like Asuka's tsundere character type, but she's funny and hot, so I like her, I guess. And she speaks German randomly, so... Yeah, Asuka is cool.
I was right